RHE Newsletter

82,000 Commercial Chemicals are in use in the United States and more than 700 new ones are introduced each year.

•Many products on the market contain allergens, poisons, and cancer-causing agents.
•The substances in these products are known to cause liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage as well as birth defects, and many other health ailments.

Ruth Winter M.S., Consumer’s Dictionary of Household, Yard and Office Chemicals, 2007, p. vii.

When toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide or toxic substances such as lead, mercury or chlorine meet large water molecules, they are encapsulated by the clusters of water. Where these toxins are accumulated, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy is impaired.

When using the Sun Ancon Chi Machine lymph nodes are stimulated. This stimulation encourages the lymph fluid to move better so toxins can more readily be moved out of your body.


Dr. Russell M. Sherbondy
Sherbondy Chiropractic and Wellness Center
Doctor of Chiropractic
Milwaukee, WI 53207

"People need to be responsible for their own health. By utilizing the Chi Machine, Far Infrared Dome, and Electro Reflex Energizer, the whole family can affordably improve every aspect of their health on a daily basis. I have incorporated all of these therapeutic machines in my patients', my own, and my family's health needs. Consistently, since May 1999 I have experienced amazing benefits in the areas of improved circulation, muscle and joint motion, stress reduction, pain relief, detoxification, weight loss and toning, lung and sinus relief, digestion, and neurologic and behavioral balancing in countless peoples lives. Don't hide this light under a bushel basket; share this opportunity with those you meet!"

Harold G. - Manitowoc, WI

From May 8, 2006 – May 15, 2009 I have logged on my bicycle 20,000 miles, that’s an average of 18 miles/day. I was introduced to the Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine in Oct. 2007. I have been faithfully using the “Chi Machine” every day at least 3 times per day. Each day my health is so wonderful, I can’t complain a bit. More people need to learn about the “Chi Machine”. I had two weeks to try it out, if I wasn’t completely satisfied, I could return it. Well, I have kept the “Chi Machine” because I know that it has helped me cut down on my insulin. You may be curious to know my age, in Dec. 2008, I was 76.

Elizabeth Erkenswick,DC
Chiropractor's First
Evanston, IL

"At Chiropractic First, I have a Network Spinal Analysis practice. Many of our practice members use the chi machine to enhance their adjstments. I also have one at home for my family's personal use. We love it."

Gloria J. Roohr-Hyzer, N.D.
Naturopath, Holistic Health
Cushing, WI

“I purchased the Chi Machine, Hot House and the Electric Reflex Energizer after only three days of testing and working with many of my clients. The individual results were amazing. One client was pain free after her session. My husband has been using the ERE and the hot house for his knees , ankles and feet (disc and sciatic related). Not only did he experience a reduction in the pain, the swelling on the outsides of his ankles went completely away after the second time he used the ERE. Other's experienced energy they'd not felt in a long time. Another's congestion cleared after a very short time under the hot house."

Virginia N., Manitowoc, WI

At the age of 38 I had a ruptured disk, they put me in traction for 11 days. That seemed to help, I was even able to walk 3 miles/day. At about the age of 60, I experienced severe lower back pain that put an end to my walking days and I needed to seek out help which included going to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and a lot of therapy. This helped a bit but, standing for any more than 10 minutes at a time would bring back the pain. If I went for a short walk I always relied on my cane for support. They told me the next step would be surgery. I could tried out the Chi Machine for 2 wks. I started out with 3 minutes on the Chi Machine twice/day and then added a minute to my time each week. I couldn’t believe it, I had relief in less than a week. I’m 79 years old and for the last 20 years I haven’t felt as good as I do now.

Scott Verner
Doctor of Chiropractic
Amarillo, TX 79106

“I have recently been introduced to the marvels of the Chi Machine and I am very impressed of the potential that this unit has too offer my family, staff and patients. For several years now I have been using a chiropractic technique know as flexion/distraction on the bulk majority of my patients. Now I can offer another form of intersegmental movement to my patients at a very affordable price. I believe the Chi Machine will do an incredible job in aiding my patient's while they are away from the office. This is all available at a fraction of the cost of the equipment used in my office and likely more beneficial and effective."

Margaret Sullivan, Baraboo, WI

"Occasional stomach spasm and bloating, causing intense pressure and discomfort. The transducer is placed directly over stomach area. Relief is almost immediate, with pressure reducing as stomach relaxes. Total relief in about 30-40 minutes. Without CHI machine, this condition can last for 3-4 hours or more. Return to function within a short time."

Sylvia L. Albers
Hudson, WI 54016

“I believe the Chi Machine could be beneficial to relieve emotional stress of individuals seen in mental health services. I personally, have used the Chi for about 4 months and have experienced great results! I have been able to discontinue all allergy medications the muscle tightness and spasms I have in my neck has been alleviated. I will always appreciate the Chi Machine in my life."

Dr. James Morales, D.C.
Dr. Susan Duve, D.C., F.I.A.M.A., N.D.
Accident & Rehab Clinic @ Cornerstone
Chiropratic, Medical, Rehab, Acupuncture, Wellness
Edinburg, TX 78539

"We have used 'The Chi Machine' and 'The Hot House' for 5 years now. Our patients love them. They have proven to be very valuable therapeutic devices."

Carolyn B. Dousman, WI

First treatment was OUTSTANDING! Much more powerful than AMD, and it moved my pH almost an entire POINT - from 6.0 to 7.0 after the treatment.

What can your eyes tell you? ...

The irises of the eyes have been receiving lots of attention lately as the world seeks better security and turns to biometrics—body markers by which individuals can be identified. The irises have more than 300 points of comparison, making them a more accurate means of I.D. than fingerprints!

Physicians have been “mapping” the irises for almost 150 years, ever since the astounding discovery that changes in other parts of the body appear in the eyes! Yes, not only does the eye enable us to bring images of the outside world within, it also shows images of what is within to the outside world. The science that has developed is called iridology.

Iridology is a non-vasive way, and an art and science of examining the colored part of the eye (the iris) to acquire information about a person’s physical, mental and emotional health. Some physicians use it as a diagnostic tool and for an overview of the patient’s health because it is possible to "read" tissue conditions that relate to the "whole" body at once. Iridology measures reflex tissue conditions in four stages: acute, subacute, chronic and degenerative. In this way iridology can direct the course of patient care.

How does it work?

The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system, therefore the brain records the inherited constitutional type and connective tissue changes via the nervous system onto the iris (colored) and sclera (white). A person trained in the eye sciences can then “decode” the information. For example: tissue that is chronically ill, mixed with tissue that is highly acute, will produce a net result of functional normalcy in a lab test. Iridology can be of great benefit in shedding light upon how a physical problem is put together. Bilobed organs, such as lungs, kidneys, thyroid, etc., can exhibit a hyper condition one side and a hypo condition on the other side producing a net result of lab-tested normalcy. To a trained observer, iridology will reveal information that can help remove confusion in these matters by indicating the isolated conditions.

Better yet, to be properly aware of our health level, we must know where our weak tissues are located. In this way, one can work to strengthen them and avoid those habits and practices that undermine tissue integrity. This is the approach of preventive health care. Attempting to correct a chronic condition is difficult. It is much easier to maintain good health than it is to regain that which is lost.


The science of reading the physical health of an individual through analyzing the pat-terns and colors in the irises (colored portion) of the eyes. Iridology does not name diseases; instead, it reads tissue condition. Iridology also gives valuable information when trying to determine a person's response to a treatment as well as a person's healing ability.


Sclerology is the study of the whites of the eyes, interpreting the red lines, colorations, and markings in the sclera as they relate to the person’s emotional and physical health. Most Iridologists incorporate the study of Sclerology into their assessments.


 A personality model which uses the color and structure of the irises to describe mental/emotional patterns and predict behavior. It is based upon the channeled work of Denny Ray Johnson.

Eyology can tell you about:

The eyes contain a wealth of information about a person’s physical and emotional nature. From just looking in the eyes you can determine:

What health problems they are genetically prone to.

Where the strengths and weaknesses are in their body.

The condition of their spinal column and central nervous system.
The primary way they learn and express themselves.

And much, much more…
· genetically acquired health risks
· your health priorities
· your inherited (default) personality type
· how your personality is affecting your health
· how your diet and lifestyle is affecting your health
· areas where physical healing has occurred
· innate talents
· life lessons/challenges
· the causes of sometimes baffling symptoms
· how to interact most effectively with others
· what personality type you are most attracted to and why

The history of Iridology

Iridology may have begun in ancient Egypt and Central Asia over a thousand years ago. Ancient physicians examined the eyes and sclera of their patients to determine methods of treatment.

Modern Iridology started in the 1800s. Dr. Ignatz Von Peczely (1826 - 1911) of Hungary, was the first practitioner and researcher in the field of Iridology. As a young boy, he caught an owl in his garden. In the struggle, he accidentally broke the bird's leg. He observed a black stripe rising in the owl’s eye. Later he became a physician and never forgot the incident with the owl. Working in a hospital he studied many eyes of patients before and after surgery. To confirm the existent of ailments he had diagnosed from the eyes of his patients, he did autopsies on them after they died. During the same period in Sweden, a young boy 8 years old, named Nils Liljequist, began studying his own eyes while being sick and given certain medications. Later he continued his research and published his findings. If we look at the work of both of these researchers, we find many similarities in their Iridology maps although they never knew one another or had any communication.

In the late 1800s Pastor Felke from Sweden became a very famous Iridologist and there is an institute in Germany named after him. Henry Edward Lane, an Austrian Medical Doctor, brought Iridology to the USA.

In the USA, Dr. Bernard Jensen, known as the father of American Iridology, kept the candle burning for Iridology. He had been studying and writing about Iridology for 70 years. In Germany, Josef Deck, Theodore Krieger, Rudolph Schnable and Josef Angerer were able to work with universities, hospitals, autopsies, and x-rays to verify their iris findings.

In 1982 Harri Wolf and Dr. Bill Caradonna, founded an organization called NIRA and brought the research information from America and Europe together. The name has changed to IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Association).

Extensive research is taking place since then by medical doctors and naturopaths all around the world. Multidimensional Iridology is being explored level by level. Dr. Lo Rito from Italy, the pioneer of Time Risk and E.C. Tech therapy. Time Risk is used to locate traumas in the iris and when they occur, whether they are emotional or physical. E.C. Tech is the therapy to release traumas on a cellular level. Dr. Lo Rito is also the leading authority of the study of the Inner Pupillary Border (IPB), a tissue that represents the spinal cord plus physical and emotional information.

Matthew 6:22 ><>


Children with Special Needs do Benefit with the use of the Original Chi Machine and Far Infrared Dome according to Nancy Lawton-Shirley, O.T.R., Special Children's Center, 715-386-9572 in Hudson, Wisconsin just over border from St. Paul

Nancy has helped numerous children over the past 5 years overcome some issues in their life as listed below.

Changes seen: Sleep improves; Behavioral issues lessen; Better concentration; Coordination of muscles; Calmer response to touch, sound, movement

Anxiety/Anxiety Disorders:
Examples of: Distressed by new activities, people, or places; Excessive worries; Anticipates disaster in activities; Overwhelmed by touch, movement, sound, etc.

Changes seen: Calmer; More flexible; Better sleep; Relaxed facial muscles

Cerebral Palsy:
Changes seen:Improved range of motion of limbs; Increased relaxed muscles; Relaxed feet, less stiffness; Increased movement through truck/body during Chi Machine use; Decreased pain of tight muscles (Chi Machine and FIR Dome)

Learning Disability:
Changes seen:Some find learning easier; Some find concentration easier; Less stress

Down's Syndrome:
Changes seen: Decreased constipation; Increased alert state; Increased calmHead

Changes seen:Improved coordination; Improved independence; Improved use of limbs; Increased calm state; Increased body awareness


Original Chi Machine, Massage, and Health

Massage means the manipulation of soft tissue for the purpose of increasing health and wellness, and alleviates pain, discomfort, muscle spasms, and stress. The first records of massage date back some 3000 years to early Chinese folk medicine. Western civilizations were introduced to the miraculous benefits of massage by Greek and Roman physicians. The Sun Ancon therapeutic massager - The Original Chi Machine - blends the healing massage with technology for a truly unique experience.

Because the massage with The Original Chi Machine is performed while you are lying down and relaxed, weight is removed from the spine. A sense of well-being and pleasure is immediate and noticeable.

Tim Tebow Not Ashamed of Jesus Christ

On January 8, 2012, Steelers fans rejoiced to see their team rush in from behind to tie the game with Denver 23-23 and in 12 seconds it was over. Broncos QB Tim Tebow threw a bullet to Demaryius Thomas who ran the ball for an 80-yard touchdown. It was over, the Broncos won their first playoff victory since 2006.

The Broncos had lost four out of five games when Tebow took over as starting quarterback toward the beginning of the 2011 season, and soon the young rushing miracle was leading his team to a winning record.

When the Sunday evening game statistics were totaled, several stats jumped out to his fans that almost defy coincidence. Tebow had 316 total passing yards, as well as averaging 31.6 yards per each completion, and to top that, CBS rating peaked at 31.6.

In college, Tebow routinely scrawled Bible verses into the eye black beneath his eyes on game days. At the 2009 BCS championship game, Tebow wore "John 3:16" under his eyes, a practice criticized by some commentators.

In response, the NCAA's Playing Rules Oversight Panel voted to ban words, numbers, logos or symbols on eye black, which took effect in the 2010 season and was soon dubbed the "Tim Tebow Rule". In fact, the NFL had already banned such artistry, so Tebow has been unable to display favorite verses this season.
After Sunday's win, Tim's focus wasn't on his 25-yard game-winning bullet, but on his teammate, wide receiver Demaryius Thomas, who caught the pass and ran it for the touchdown. He praises Jesus Christ and he builds up his teammates.

"(Thomas) made a great catch and a great run after the catch. Our offensive line blocked phenomenal." Tebow said. "DT made a heck of a play." Football is a team sport, and Tebow never takes credit for what his team members do.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."


Our Mission:The Midwest Renewable Energy Association promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration.

Each year the MREA Energy Fair transforms rural Central Wisconsin into the global hot spot for renewable energy education. The Energy Fair brings over 20,000 people from nearly every state in the U.S. and several countries around the world to learn, connect with others and ready them for action at home. The Energy Fair is the nation's longest running energy education event of its kind.

The Energy Fair features:

Over 275 exhibitors - sustainable living and energy products
Over 200 workshops - from introductory level to advanced hands-on education
Clean Energy Car Show - demonstration vehicles and workshops
Green Home Pavilion - focused on building and remodeling in a sustainable way
Green Building Demso - see sustainable building techniques in action
Sustainable Tables - workshops, chef demos, and a farmers' market bringing sustainability to your dinner table.

Inspirational keynotes, lively entertainment, great food, and local beer.

The Energy Fair is held in Custer, WI just seven miles east of Stevens Point. Join us for the 21st Annual Energy Fair June 18-20, 2010. For more information about the Fair, contact the Midwest Renewable Energy Association at 715-592-6595.

Promo VideoThinking about coming to the Energy Fair, but don't know what to expect? Watch a short YouTube video on the 2007 Fair.
